Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Lost Season 1 Episode 24 was directed by Jack Bender again and written by Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse. Amazingly this episode captured 20.71 million viewers.
Michael, Walt, Sawyer and Jin were surprised at the sea of the appearance of four of the others from the island who seized Walt. Rousseau left the Black Rock , and there was an explosion of dynamite while Artz handling it. They encountered the monster, a cloud of black smoke. Rousseau take Claire’s baby, whom they named Aaron. The mysterious and unseen island entity maked another appearance, nearly killing Locke. Sayid shows Charlie about the plane full of heroin. Back on the island , there is a discussion between Locke and Jack, where Locke would symbolize faith and Jack.

Watch Episode 24


Lost Season 1 Episode 23 was directed by Jack Bender and written by Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse. This episode captured 18.62 million viewers. Danielle Rousseau appear in the camp of survivors at the beach and tell them the The Others are arriving. There is black smoke in the sky , and they left 3 choices : run, hide or die. Jack, Locke and Sayid tell Rousseau to open the hatch , perhaps with the dynamite. Rousseau insisted to bring them to the black rock to get some dynamite. And beside there they can shelter the survivors against the Others. Jin and Sun make peace and there are goodbye to Michael, Walt, Sawyer and Jin as they finally set sail on there makeshift raft to ask help and safety.

Watch Episode 23


Lost Season 1 Episode 22 was directed by Tucker Gates and written by Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz (teleplay) and Javier Grillo-Marxuach (story). This episode captured 17.10 million viewers according to survey. This time Kate was the featured character here. Sayid and Locke give an idea to Jack about the hatch, who believe that the hatch should be open. Locke was being warned by Walt not to open the hatch , in spite of not being told about it. Jack assumed foul play while Michael became violently ill while constracting the raft which leads to Kate and Sawyer as the suspect. Moreover, Kate’s story background was revealed involving her continuing renegade status and her old school friend and the events which leads up to his death. Also, Walt admitted to Michael that he was responsible for the fire that wipe out the first raft and, though Michael says they can stay on the island, Walt persist that they have to leave.

Watch Episode 22