Wednesday, May 26, 2010


This episode is directed by Jack Bender and written by Drew Goddard. The featured character here is Sawyer.
Kate and Sawyer divulge a few dark secrets to each other while tracking a renegade boar that Sawyer swears is purposely harassing him. More of Sawyer's background story is revealed of why he traveled to Australia: to track down the alleged con artist who ruined his life, and it also reveals a shocking connection... that of a chance meeting between Sawyer and Jack's father in a bar in the Outback. Meanwhile, Hurley and Sayid worry that Charlie is losing it after his brush with death, as well as killing Ethan over his growing and obsessive love for Claire.
James "Sawyer" Ford wakes up from a nightmare with a boar inside his tent. He finds his canvas in the woods, but is attacked by the animal. He decides to chase the boar with Kate Austen following its track in the forest. Along their hunting, Sawyer recalls his dark past since he was a child until his final revenge against the con man that destroyed his family.

Watch Episode 16


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